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纯度Bundi ?22









Graduate Assistant at Louisiana State University

当过家庭教师之后, 同行的教练, 取向的领导者, and 第一代学生导师 at C艺术hage, 纯度Bundi ’22 felt prepared for her position as a teaching assistant at Louisiana State University, where she is currently pursuing her master’s degree. Ms. Bundi teaches labs, tutors, grades lab reports, and helps professors grade undergraduate exams.

“C艺术hage nurtured my way of thinking to be very diverse and accommodating of other peoples differences.”



“I’ve enjoyed learning and understanding how radiation can be used to diagnose and treat cancer. 每天下课后, 我获得了关于癌症的新知识, 最重要的是, I’m left with more questions on how we strive to prolong life for cancer patients by developing and improving new treatment modalities through research.”


“在全球十大赌钱排行app的时候,我当过家庭教师. 通过这次经历, I developed communication and analytical skills that have helped me succeed as a teaching assistant.”

How has your liberal 艺术s education benefitted you?

“We had to take classes across multiple disciplines at C艺术hage; this honed my ability to think critically and broadened my perspective. 所有的 物理 lab students are from different disciplines — 医学预科, 法律系的, 艺术等. — and they often lament about how irrelevant the lab is for their career path. I realized this attitude impeded their performance; hence, I encouraged them to look at the experience differently in terms of skills acquired as opposed to the knowledge gained. For example, while working in groups, they learn how to exchange different ideas to solve problems. 在实验结束前, 他们将学会团队合作, 批判性思维, 以及解决问题的能力, 哪些在任何职业中都是至关重要的. This helped them enjoy the lab and perform well. It was at that moment that I truly appreciated the liberal 艺术s education C艺术hage accorded me.”


“接近。 密西根湖. As a lover of nature, I found walking by the lakeshore to classes every day fascinating! 此外, 小班授课 allowed for close, personal interaction between professors and students. As an introverted and reserved person like myself, I was convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that C艺术hage would provide me a conducive environment for personal growth and professional development.”

What opportunities were made possible because of your C艺术hage experience?

“I’m convinced my Teaching Assistantship Award was a result of my tutoring experience at C艺术hage. I will also soon as serve as an international 取向的领导者 at LSU. 曾担任同伴教练, 第一代学生导师, 也是全球十大赌钱排行app的迎新领导, 我觉得我已经准备好去路易斯安那州立大学了.”

What C艺术hage professors played a p艺术 in your success and how?

Jean Quashnock教授 是我的学术顾问. He not only contributed to my personal growth, but also to my professional development. During my sophomore year, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do career-wise. 教授. Quashnock helped me explore my interests and decide that medical 物理 was my area of study. He later on helped write my recommendation letters for a summer research internship at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. I got accepted and p艺术icipated in the internship my sophomore and junior year. He also helped me secure shadowing opportunities with a clinical medical physicist at the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Zion, 伊利诺斯州. 也, 他经常帮助我, 国际学生, navigate the American education system and social system.

“在我大四的时候, I underwent a difficult 家庭 experience that led to the loss of my dad, 和教授. Quashnock was so instrumental in my emotional and mental well-being. He pointed me to the right resources, and his words of wisdom empowered me. I am where I am today because of the immense support and impact 教授. Quashnock has had in my personal and professional life. 我将永远感激他的好意.”

What role have the values in C艺术hage's mission, “寻求真理, 建筑的力量, Inspiring Service — Together" played in your life?

“’Inspiring service’ has played a major role in my life since I’m a service-oriented person and I’m always seeking out to be involved in serving my friends, 家庭, 社会, 国家, 整个世界. As is evident in my career path as an upcoming clinical medical physicist, I’m committed to serving by providing affordable and effective cancer care. I’m also passionate about mentoring younger generations, 尤其是来自弱势群体的女孩, developing communities who are pursuing STEM professions.”


“My favorite memories are of the people I met and of the friendships and networks I developed! C艺术hage shaped me to be an all-rounded person!”


“My advice to any undergraduate student is to explore your interests, 尤其是在文理学院. 你有机会尝试任何东西, 课内课外都一样, before committing to what excites your mind and brings joy to your soul. 当你找到你的职业生涯, create time to explore leadership and extra curricular opportunities — it’ll help you develop communication skills and even some hobbies. Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask, and be cognizant of whom you’re asking. 这里有很多善良的人, and they’re always willing to help where they can or point you to the right resources.”

Are you a C艺术hage alum who is excelling in your field?
